Stepney Green Sixth Form 16-19 Bursary Policy Financial Support

Financial Support

The Stepney Green Sixth Form 16-19 Bursary Fund provides financial support for students who may need to overcome specific financial barriers so that they can continue to be successful in education.

At Stepney Green we are able to specifically fund bursary recipients throughout the duration of sixth form studies.

We offer two types of bursary:

–     Stepney Green Sixth Form Vulnerable Bursary

This is a bursary to support:

–     Young people living in care OR who have been in care;

–     Young people who are personally in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit;

–     Young people in receipt of a Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments in the young person’s name) and Employment Support Allowance.

Stepney Green Sixth Form Discretionary Bursary

This is a payment for Year 12 and Year 13 students. 

Any student who feels that they are facing financial hardship can apply, but the following is a guide to the eligibility criteria:

–      Students who were in receipt for free school meals in year 11, or during sixth form;

–      A young carer;

–      Students who may experience a change in their circumstances that will affect their household’s income.

Students who would like to be considered for a discretionary bursary payment, or support from the hardship fund, should complete the application forms and provide evidence to the Stepney Green 6th Form Administrator, Ms Belaatel.


Stepney Green uses household income as the main eligibility criterion, using Tax Credits forms (TC602), evidence of income from self-employment, a P60, or 3 to 6 months’ worth of bank statements as evidence.  However, we do consider that different students have different support requirements, and each individual will have their own circumstances to consider. For example, the number of dependent children in a family, transport costs or costs for specialised equipment or books may also impact on the amount of money a student is awarded.

Students who are in receipt of either vulnerable or discretionary bursary payments must have their own bank or Post Office account so that payments can be made. The money is to be used specifically to support a student’s education and must be used in accordance with government guidance.

Supporting academic outcomes & student enrichment

In addition to bursary payments the 16-19 Bursary Fund can be used for:  on-going transport costs; individual purchases of equipment and resources (e.g. course related equipment, specialist text-books, transport costs for University Open Days or Interviews or costs relating to work placements).

Once awarded the bursary will be paid for the full duration of this academic year. Payments will be made termly and are conditional on students attending school. If a student is absent for longer than a period of four weeks, bursary payments will be suspended, unless there are extenuating circumstances.